Our Occupational Therapists focus on daily tasks, the roles and routines that make you who you are. Tasks that were once easy can now be challenging for you. Seasons Home Health Care’s Occupational Therapist assess your tasks, and create a personalized plan to help you maintain your independence.
Occupational Therapy Addresses:
- Dressing
- Bathing
- Grooming
- Meal Preparation
- Medication Management
- Household Upkeep
- Environmental Obstacles
- Dementia-related Limitations
- Caregiver Stress
Occupational Therapy Helps:
- Improved Daily Living
Our Occupational Therapist work to improve your process of getting up and ready for the day in the morning and all the tasks that come after that, that keep you independent Being independent is shown to improve the health and quality of people with chronic disease.
- Reduced Caregiver Stress
People with dementia benefit from Occupational Therapy in a way that improves functionality enough to reduce a caregiver’s responsibilities.
- Reduced Falls
Occupational Therapy features home safety screening, home modifications, education, assistive technology, exercise to reduce fall risk and fear of falling, and nursing home admissions, as well as increase independence.